Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Cause for celebration

We have a house, and we can move in on the 15th. Hooray for things working out! There was a message on our answering machine when we got home this afternoon saying we'd been approved for the house I mentioned in my last post, and they've confirmed an early move-out for the current tenants that will let us in on the 15th. Whew! I am so glad to have that taken care of. Now all I have to think of is papers, finals, and packing! Of course, this means that I'm pretty much going to have to reschedule my visit to CA, since that'll be right when things get hectic. Darn! I'm sorry, everybody!

By the way, some of you might be tickled by the street name of my soon-to-be-new abode: Twombly Avenue. :)

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