Saturday, February 02, 2008

Officially Unemployed

Many people might not think that unemployment is a positive thing, but I think it's grand, and I'm excited about all of the opportunities that it holds for me. And now, finally, after no fewer than four goodbye parties (not to mention several tea and lunch dates and extra visits), the day has finally come - I am officially unemployed! Now I can get busy with all of the exciting things that I'm truly interested in, and not have to worry about work getting in the way. :)

My last day was kind of hectic, but fortunately not too stressful. I got to see and say goodbye to most of the people I wanted to (even Dan the shuttle driver, who stopped the bus in the middle of the street and opened his door to lean out and give me a hug), had a lovely last day lunch with Jenn and Trisha, and even made it to Employee Health for a few of my immunizations for Ecuador - Hepatitis A in my right arm, B in my left, and tetanus/diphtheria in the rear. Pleasant. I go back to the Family Medicine Travel Clinic on Tuesday to get the rest of the shots - the really expensive ones that my insurance doesn't cover, of course.

I was thinking about going to shape note singing last night, but by the time I got back from a "happy hour" tea with Catherine and Trisha (none of us drink alcohol, so we went to The Tao of Tea for our happy hour instead of a bar), got home and ate some dinner, I realized that I was far too tired and brain-dead to go out. In fact, I told a friend, I was so fried that, if I'd had a movie and a way to watch it, I probably would have. :P I made do with a book instead.

Today has been mellow, and I've been trying to focus on remembering the fact that it's my first day of freedom. Somewhat ironically, I actually spent a good part of the day sorting through all the stuff I brought home from work with me, trying to figure out what I actually needed/wanted to keep, and where to put it. Lots of sentimental trinkets and things that were fine to keep in my cube at work, but that don't really belong in my apartment. Sigh. I'm really starting to be sensitive to all this "stuff" that I have, and am just about feeling in the mood for a major purge....

More excitingly, I did a bit of rearranging in my bedroom to create my very own "Thotful Spot" in the corner, where I can go to meditate, think, write, or just sit and be peaceful. I need to head to the thrift stores to look for cushions and maybe a little stool or table, but it's nice to see the space shaping up and know that I am building myself a wee sanctuary.

And now I am getting sleepy, so methinks it is time for bed. Ah, the joys of going to bed early. :)


Tandava said...

Congratulations! I'm looking forward to joining you in the land of the unemployed in a few weeks. :-)

GojiDland said...

Unemployment is uplifting to the soul! It's going back to work that brings down the spirit...

Enjoy the "opportunity"!

Jon :)

MicasMariana said...

Hi! I found your blog, and Graham's, and just wanted to say that I'm also unemployed since last July. Haven't found my track yet, but I'm sure I'm on the right way :D.
Wish you both lots of fun and many adventures.

Ombi and Alex said...

Great to see that unemployment is getting popular. My Wife (Australian) & Me (Ecuadorian). Took it very seriously after sixteen months of travel we are still unemployed. So Enjoy every-bit of it. Have a look my blog it my help in your travels to Ecuador.

Buena Suerte

YeY still unemployed.
Very Itchy Feet.