Thursday, August 04, 2005

In A Jam

A peach jam, to be precise. I bought some yummy peaches at the Farmer's Market yesterday, and after a good deal of waffling between canning and jamming, I settled on jamming because I realized I only had small jars. Of course, they're leftover jars from random jams and sauces and things, not the special standard-sized canning jars with the brand-new lids that you're supposed to use, but that's what I had. And then partway through the process I realized I hadn't gone out to buy the sugar to make the jam, so I ended up substituting the last cup or so with brown sugar, which you're not really supposed to do (and scanting the sugar, of course, since I don't like oversweet jams and the peaches are really sweet). I was very proud of myself for actually having a candy thermometer (thanks, Monee!) to get the jam to the right temperature, but after accidentally dropping it in the jam a few times the temperature seemed to be going down rather than up, so I had to chuck that method and try one of the "old-fashioned" (I swear, that's what they say in the book!) methods of testing for doneness. Of course, I had neglected to put a spoon or a saucer in the freezer for this purpose, thinking I would just be using the thermometer, so I ended up pretty much guessing at when it was done (as in, I was tired of stirring and getting burnt by jamsplatter, so I declared it done). So, all in all, an appropriately makeshift approach to my first attempt at jam. :) But it tasted wonderful going into the jars, so I'm hoping that the finished product will be tasty as well. If this batch is successful, I'm going to make a bigger batch next time -- that was an awful lot of work for four little jars of jam!


Tandava said...

I'm really curious how the brown sugar will taste in it. Sounds good to me, but then, I've always been partial to brown sugar, so it's hard to imagine it tasting bad. Any chance I could get a little taste when you come down to visit?

Lacey said...

Well, all the recipe books and jam making websites I've looked at in the last week or so claim that you must follow the recipe to the letter, that jam making is a very precise business, and that any alteration endangers the integrity of your jam (or something like that). But I'm a big fan of experimentation and making do with what I have, so I didn't really pay attention to the strictness of the instructions. :) And, yes, I'm bringing some down with me, but you might get the mixed berry jam instead -- that's coming this weekend. :)

Borden said...

Improvise! Let your jam be as original as you are! The worst that can happen is that the jam is runny. I have produced my share of, well, syrup and it always tasted just fine.

Alas, I don't find the quantity of quality fruit over here that would be needed for jam-making. Though I would like to play with currents and gooseberries as they are new, fruits to play with.