... But I've sure been acting like it. It's hard not to become a night person when you've got gorgeous 70° clear, starry evenings to go out and enjoy. The days have cooled down a bit, and I actually haven't even used my fan for a few days, but the nights are just lovely. John and I just went and sat on a bench in the Park blocks to chat for a while this evening because it was so nice out. It's gorgeous weather for walks, as well. Last week I went for a walk into the West Hills and found a stairway leading up to a wonderfully steep and windy road with glimpses of downtown and the rising moon. Unfortunately, there's pretty much no moon right now, but by the time I get back from California it will be almost full moon time, so I'm hoping the weather is still this perfect for nighttime moon-gazing walks.
On the other end of the spectrum, I may be getting up before the crack of dawn tomorrow to ride up to Council Crest and watch the sunrise. I haven't seen the sunrise in a long time, and from what I remember from my early mornings during field school, the wee hours are just as gorgeous as the nighttime. The sunrise ride sort of depends on whether or not John bangs on my door in the morning -- he had to start work at 10:30 tonight (tearing down after a concert), so I told him that if he was crazy enough to do that and then get up at oh-my-god-o'clock in the morning and bike up to Council Crest, I was up for it. I may not get an ideal amount of sleep, but at least I'll get more than he will! :P

Paul and I took a bunch of pictures of the garden this afternoon and I finally figured out how to print reasonable quality photos on my printer, so I have some pictures to bring down to CA for show-and-tell. Only one more day until I get to start my whirlwind visit tour! Hooray! I'm very excited to see everybody!
Current magnetic poetry:
wild young damsel
fresh as the universe
eternal as a flame
in anything but distress
That's such a quintessentially "Lacey" picture, I love it!
Set up an image downloader to find pictures of "Pacific Grove", for some reason this picture came up. I liked it so much that I decided to track down it's source, and found a great blog. Keep it up Lacy! Your outfit matches your flowers.
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