Sunday, October 09, 2005

Two of my Favorite Things

Those would be food and dancing. :) And they're made even more enjoyable when I get to share them with fun people. I had a wonderful little dinner party last night. John, Jan, Mitch and Althea came over and we made pizza and salad and garlic bread, and had two fabulously chocolatey desserts to top it off (Antonia's chocolate revel bars were a hit). During the course of dinner we discovered that two of Jan, Althea and Mitch's professors at Reed are people I know from morris dancing, and that Althea had been to the Christmas Revels last year and seen me there. Fun connections.

After a delicious and fun-filled dinner (and dessert!) Jan, Mitch and I went swing dancing. (Unfortunately, John had to work and Althea was feeling under the weather.) The band was the West Coast Rhythm Kings, and they were great. One of the singers was also a tap dancer, so there were a couple of tap dancing interludes during the night, which were a kick to watch (no, I don't think I'm going to take up tap dancing any time soon, sorry). The guy who throws me around (who shall henceforth be known by his name, Lee) said he would make me a copy of an instructional CD of Balboa moves so I can learn to follow more of the stuff he throws at me. I don't know why he's so set on me learning Balboa, since I've been absolutely abysmal at all of my attempts so far, but he seems to think I can do it. Plus, he just wants a follow who knows the really hard moves he's learned so he can actually do them. :} He also asked if I'd like to do an aerials workshop with him next Sunday -- yikes! I asked if he thought I was up to it, and he said sure! (And besides, you're light so it's easy to throw you around.) It's a little intimidating, but I suppose that since he knows all these moves already, and he's going to be throwing me around anyway, it's probably a good idea to actually go to a workshop to learn how to do my end of things properly. And he said he'd pay for it, since he's the one looking for a partner to take the class, so how can I say no? I'll let you know how it goes. :)

It will be a good thing when I graduate and get a job, so I can help support my increasing cooking and dancing habits... :P

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