Saturday, April 30, 2005

Upcoming Adventures

Guess what -- I will very soon be the proud non-owner of a car! Hooray! I've been thinking for quite some time that it's really pretty silly for me to own a car, since I hardly ever drive it, and since I have to fork over money for insurance whether I drive it or not. So I decided to sell Gloria, and Graham decided to buy her, because fRed is getting rather old and tired. Isn't it nice how things work out sometimes? But it works out even better than just that. I'm going to drive down to Palo Alto to drop her off, and time my visit perfectly so that it coincides with Big Dance -- hooray! It will be fun to show up and surprise people, since there are probably still a few people still around that remember me and would be surprised to see me. I haven't been dancing for way too long, so I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be a loooooong day and night, but it should still be wonderously fun. And then I won't have a car anymore! Hooray!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds most fiscally and environmentally efficient of you, and a fun road trip! Drive safe so you can enjoy the dance and put your savings to good use.

Speaking of efficiency, and covering two topics in the same comment, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Yes, a bit early but as close as I can get without being late. I hope your day brings you wonderful surprises and something delicious with candles, perhaps a cheesecake, and the year ahead brings you closer to your dreams.