Monday, April 26, 2004

Pictures and license plates

I forgot to post the link to the OMSI pictures last night. If you want to see some dinosaurs, and a couple of pictures of Graham, go here

So, I received paltry few suggestions for car names when I put my poll out a few weeks ago. I've sort of been waiting until I got my license plates to really decide, hoping that the plates might give me a clue as to an appropriate name. I picked up the plates this afternoon, and unfortunately am still at a loss as to the car's name. The plate is: "ZZL 775". Any ideas? Graham and I were tossing a couple around, including Zelda (appropriate for the Z-ness of the license plate), Ingrid (which I'm voting against, since Kirsty has a friend named Ingrid and that would be kind of odd), Isis, and Sheba (both Graham's ideas). We came up with a lot more than that, but none that were really serious. Any opinions, anybody? I don't know why I'm having such a hard time naming this car! (If you want to take another look at the pictures, click here.

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