Let me start this post by admitting that I've always been very hard on myself when it comes to my drawing ability. Hmm, let me revise that: in all honesty, my own drawings make me cringe in mingled embarrassment and frustration most of the time. My automatic response when asked to draw something is "Oh, no - I can't draw." I freeze in fear when I'm expected to sketch something on the spot, even if it's "just for fun." Because it's not fun. I have the most beautiful pictures in my head, but I am pretty much never ever ever satisfied with the way they come out when I try to put them on paper. So, sadly, I hardly ever try. And it
is sad; I really really wish I could draw better; I really wish drawing didn't scare me; I really wish I weren't so judgmental about the results. But the fact remains that (at least so far in my life) I've been far too self-conscious and self-critical to even take a class -
or even to practice in the privacy of my own company where nobody else will even know I tried - to improve.
But today is
Drawing Day, and I've managed to ignore my inhibitions enough to actually
post something I've drawn (but look quick, before I change my mind!) The only thing, in fact, that I have ever drawn with any modicum of confidence. The drawing that graced the top hole of every three-hole-punched piece of paper that passed through my hands my senior year in highschool. The thing I had tattooed on my shoulder nine years ago (though I didn't draw that one - I'm not
that brave!). Have you guessed yet?

Hey, at least I can still write about drawing, even if I don't like doing it, right? :) And I am eternally grateful that I can write.
P.S. The sunflower is now in my recycling bin. Some things never change.
It's good to have something you can draw. It's lovely. :-)
It's beautiful! Hey, I've been rather self-conscious about my drawing for a long time (except bones - I can draw bones well, weirdly). What say we take a couple of little sketch books with us to Guatemala, and both make embarrassing sketches together? :)
To be honest, that scares the bajeezus out of me. But hey, let's do it anyway. :)
I understand! I have a little sketchbook that I bought a LONG time ago after a drawing class I took. Not much in it. :) But we could take little sketch breaks as we explore, and just see what happens!
It's good to get the bajeezus out every now and then. It makes room for something good to move in. You have to be careful you don't get the willies or creeps, though.
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