Sunday, January 29, 2006

One for the Compliments Diary

Richard and Angela (and Tracy!) are up in Portland this weekend doing a series of waltz workshops. I didn't have the time or the money to attend the workshops, but I went to the dance last night. It was fun to walk in and surprise Angela and Tracy at the door, and Richard at the music station. Richard got up and gave me a big hug and said hi and whatnot. Then the woman from Waltz Eclectic (the group that's putting on the workshops and dance) came over and saw that we knew each other, and asked me, "So, how do we get more young people like you to our events?" Before I could answer Richard piped up and said, "Have her teach!" Meaning me! I confess I was mildly flabbergasted (and extremely honored), but the woman snatched it up immediately and asked excitedly, "Oh, would you?" Eep! What did Richard get me into?! I don't know if I'll be able to do it (I don't know if I have the time or the expertise), but it was definitely a compliment if I've ever received one!

Also at the dance I met a number of people with various connections to Stanford (or connections to people with connections to Stanford), and connections to things that will be very useful for me in the very near future. But that will be the subject of another post, because I've been very lax in reporting my recent news, to which these connections relate. Let's just say there are ambitious projects afoot. I promise I'll enlighten you soon, likely in a series of posts.

In other, smaller (but still interesting) news, I've been invited to take over the position of Garden Coordinator for the PSU Community Garden. My friend Lisa has been doing the job for the last 9 months or so and she's ready to step down, and she said she thought I'd do a great job. It would be great for the experience, but from what I've witnessed, it's a heck of a lot of work (supposedly 5 hours a week, but usually more like 15) for a very small stipend ($50/month). So, we'll see. It would be a good thing for a resume and experience, but I have so many other things going on right now.

Anyway, that's all you get for now. The exciting news will have to wait.


Borden said...

Richard is right! Whether you have the time or not is your call, but teaching dance (IMNSHO) is about helping have fun dancing -- and you are extremely fun to dance with!

Borden said...

Er,...that should be 'helping people have fun'. Oops!