Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Make-My-Day Moments

You know those moments, the ones that come along at times you least expect them, that take you by surprise and totally make your day? I had one of those on my way to class this morning. I had just gotten off of the streetcar and was crossing the street toward a parking garage when I heard a trumpet start playing. It sounded like it was coming from the top of the parking structure, and I couldn't figure out why somebody would be playing the trumpet up there. But then I walked past the garage and glanced inside to the little booth where the parking attendant sits waiting for cars to exit and pay the parking fee. The parking attendant, who looked like a student, was sitting in the tiny little booth playing his trumpet at the cash register like it was the most natural thing in the world. That made me smile all the way to class. :)

Other happy moments of the day: getting my environmental sociology midterm back and finding out I'd gotten 100%, visiting my old "place of employment" and talking to everybody there, walking through the Park Blocks and sitting on a bench in the wonderful cool afternoon sunlight, and coming home to the wonderfully happy vase of yellow and pink daisies on my side table.

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