I'm buying a one-way ticket to Central America, and not coming back until I'm bilingual.

That's me with a great big grin on my face, because this is about the most exciting thing I can think of at the moment. :D
In all seriousness, I really am buying a one-way ticket to Guatemala, for July 23 or 24. From there I plan to travel around Central America over land, until I buy another one-way ticket out of Panama... on to South America! :) As I've written in emails to a few people, I've come to realize that it's high time in my life for me to do a few things, namely: a) become bilingual, b) travel, and c) contribute to the global community by becoming directly involved with local communities in need. With this in mind, my trip will include some Spanish school, some touristing, some volunteering, possibly some teaching, and, I'm sure, plenty of adventures.
Okay, I will admit I'm being vague on the details. But that's on purpose. I don't really want to have a lot of details before I go, but rather to work them out as I go along (apart from the important stuff like vaccinations, visas, etc., which I am of course figuring out as best I can in advance). I have a rough idea of "the plan" and a general pattern of travel, but beyond that I'm going to stay open to letting things develop organically, so that I can be free to accept and pursue opportunities as they arise.
I am fortunate and absolutely thrilled that I will be sharing my first few weeks in Guatemala with my cousin Cristie, who is flying down with me to celebrate her birthday and play tourist with me. (Can you picture me jumping up and down, clapping my hands, and saying "Wheeeeeee!" ? You get the idea.) I'm looking forward to traveling with her, and it should be a perfect way to ease into my solo travels once she leaves. We're not sure where we're going or what we're doing just yet, but there's time to figure that out. :)
After Cristie leaves, I intend to settle down to a month or so of intensive Spanish lessons, most likely staying with a host family in Quetzaltenango (in the Western highlands of Guatemala) and attending one (or more) of the excellent (and cheap!) Spanish schools there. I'm hoping that some formal instruction will help solidify the grammatical concepts I'm still shaky on and jump-start my immersion learning, so that I can then continue to improve my Spanish at a more rapid pace throughout my travels than I could if I were continually struggling to communicate (which is where I am now - I can speak well enough to get by, but can't really have a meaningful conversation, which is extremely frustrating!).
Once I decide I've had enough of Spanish school, my thought is to travel through Central America (and then on down to South America), finding one or two places in each country to stay put for a few weeks (or more) of volunteering and getting to know the culture a bit deeper than I would be able to if I were flitting about between tourist destinations all the time. I do intend to travel and visit tourist sites, but I also want to do it in a more conscious, informed, and connected way. I'll feel a lot better about traveling if I also feel I'm contributing something to the places I'm visiting.
All of this means that I've been very busy with planning, research, and preparations -- I'm so grateful I'm unemployed, because this is a full-time job in itself! :) I've started "the great giveaway" of all of my belongings, which I'm finding easier than expected and very freeing. Some things (sewing machine, favorite books) are going to be "babysat" by people who can use them while I'm gone, others (photo albums, sentimental items) I will probably try to store with a few super-nice folks who have space and are willing to let my things take it up for an indefinite period of time, but most of it I'm just giving away. It's a wonderful feeling, and I'm really looking forward to being able to carry everything I need on my back. Of course, in the midst of giving away everything I own, I'm also in the process of buying a whole bunch of stuff for the traveling lifestyle, which is a little bizarre and somewhat frustrating (can't I just wave a magic wand and have my bath towel transform into a travel towel, my flannel sleeping bag into a silk sleep sheet, and my unnecessary toiletries into a first aid kit?).
So, there you have it. More than just a rumor, my daydreamed adventures are becoming reality at last. Hooray!
*don't believe anything John tells you...
Yay for you! And yay for Cristie going along to get you started. And yay for me for having an admirable and inspiring sister. :-)
Hooray! I talked with a grad student friend of mine tonight and said, "I can take a vacation this summer, right? It's okay to go for three weeks?" And she said that if I'm going to Guatemala, I really *should* go for three weeks. And that if I needed her to reiterate that at all, to just ask. :) So I think I'm just about decided to stay for that long. :) Woohoo! I'll have to do a little Spanish studying as soon as my quarter's over...
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