Here's me!
02.11 Visit DeMara
02.22 Amory Lovins lecture
02.24-28 Mom visits!
03.11-13 Graham visits! (hopefully)
03.18-27 Spring Break
04.22 Earth Day!
Renegade Rose Morris!
See all my Flickr photos
"We cross our bridges when we come to them and burn them behind us, with nothing to show for our progress except a memory of the smell of smoke, and a presumption that once our eyes watered."
-Tom Stoppard, ‘Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead’
"To go wrong in one’s own way is better than to go right in someone else’s."
-Dostoevsky, ‘Crime and Punishment’
"We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily difference we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee."
-Marian Wright Edelman, ‘Families in Peril’
"If the day and the night are such that you greet them with joy, and life emits a fragrance like flowers and sweet-scented herbs, is more elastic, more starry, more immortal, - that is your success."
-Thoreau, ‘Walden’
Wednesday, September 03, 2003
I got a nice fortune cookie today. Well, the cookies are usually pretty standard, but the fortune was actually quite sweet as well this time, instead of the proverbs and cliches that seem to come out of those things so often. (Oops, I think I'm diminishing the positive effect of the fortune as I type...) In any case, the fortune was: "You will bring sunshine into someone's life." I thought that was very nice.
I decided to finally update my little sidebar calendar, but discovered I didn't really have that much to put on it. Things just seem to happen sort of spontaneously around here, so I don't have the time or the forethought to post the dates on my blog. Like the Oregon Symphony concert in Waterfront Park last week. That was lovely.
Hugo was absolutely wonderful today, and took Sylvia (my truck) out for an oil change, a DEQ smog check, and a VIN inspection. Wow! Now all I have to do is take all those documents in to the DMV, along with my application for Oregon title and registration and a few rather hefty checks, and I'll be all set. My car will officially be an Oregonian, just like me. :P Of course, I'm probably just going to turn around and try to sell it, but all of this would have to happen either way, so it's good to be getting it done. I'm going to try to get up early tomorrow morning (groan) and take stuph to the DMV before work. Crossing my fingers for short lines.
That's about it for now. Time to get back to various emails, paperwork, etc.
posted by Lacey
9:14 PM
Sunday, August 31, 2003
Hooray! I finally put pictures up from Mom's birthday weekend! And it's not even December yet! :P Anyway, you can see them here.
On a completely unrelated note, making croissants is amazingly time-consuming. It's a two-day project, involving many steps of "roll to 20x8 inches, fold in thirds, chill 1/2 hour." I think we did that three times tonight. Now it chills overnight, and things really get going tomorrow. I think we might even be able to bake them some time tomorrow afternoon! :P It's very fun, though. We've been taking pictures the whole way, to make a croissant-making web page. :)
I'm very glad it's a three-day weekend. I've been sleeping soooooo much. Two-hour naps on both Friday and Saturday, and then 12 and 9 hours sleep at night. Wow. You'd think I've been sleep-deprived or something. It's certainly nice to sleep in. And have time to make croissants. :)
On a not-so-happy note, I lost my ring yesterday. The one I bought myself the day my Vision Quest ended two years ago. The strange thing is that, just a couple of days ago, I was thinking about losing it. Not necessarily a premonition, but just sort of wondering about the possibility, and how I'd feel if it were no longer in my life. So I've been thinking a lot about that, and wondering if there's a reason I lost it now. Just trying to be open, I guess. I think I need to do more of that.
posted by Lacey
11:35 PM
